Monday, October 1, 2007


The cat is one of the first animals in the world to be domesticated as a pet. Records show that they were kept as pets by the ancient Egyptians before being introduced to the rest of the world. Today, there is not a country in the world where cats are not found. They have also found a place in our hearts as well. However, cats are quite ‘useless’. They cannot be taught tricks or toilet-trained like dogs. But for inexplicable reasons, we humans seem to love these ‘cute’ animals though all they do is eat and lie around the whole day, doing nothing. Then why do we love them so much?

Cats are not known for showing any great love towards man, unlike dogs, which are known for their devotion. The world is full of heroic stories of dogs, but not even one about cats. There are no stories of cats sacrificing themselves in love of their masters. Cats do not love anyone at all. They only use you, rubbing themselves against your legs when hungry, or jumping onto your lap, seeking a warm napping place. This is not love but pure selfishness. Cats are not domestic enough to follow their owners when they move. In fact, they are more attached to the home that its master. If the new owners feed them, they would prefer to stay. Dogs on the other hand will track its owner down even when abandoned.

It is difficult to see the reasons for humans to love cats enough to provide for their every whim, providing for them in their wills and even leaving fortunes for them. Perhaps there is something maternal in all of us to want to baby cats. After all cats never grow so big that we cannot carry and cuddle them. We can imagine we are parents, even if we are single, and cuddle and fuss over cats. This would be a god outlet for our love. Whatever our reasons may be, cats certainly benefit from them.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Cats are common domestic pets all around the world. Purring quietly when you stroke its fur and looking at you with its innocent eyes, it simply melts your heart. Cats being cute and cuddly makes children or even elders to be fond of them. However, my fondness in cats began to sway after an incident.

As I was walking home from school on an afternoon, I saw a group of boys whom I had recognized as my class’s bullies. There were seven of them, all with a built figure. They were surrounding something and had raised their fist at their chest level in an intimidating manner. “Who or whatever is the circle must be in trouble. I must help the victim,” I thought. With that, I approached them cautiously, afraid of being heard. Then, I realized that their target was a female cat with its kittens! Unable to defend itself, the mother tried to secure its kittens by wrapping them with its body. There were obvious scars of abuse on the legs of the cat. Without much thought, I barged into their circle. “How could you even bully helpless cats? You are so heartless! I am going to report you to the teachers!” Upon hearing this, the group of them dashed off. Trying to comfort the mother, I bent down and tried to pat it. It suddenly looked up at me and hissed loudly as a warning for me to back off. “What’s wrong with you? You are such an ungrateful brat! I’ve just saved you!” With that, I ignored the injured cat and walked away in anger.

The next day, I went to report the case to my form teacher. She told me that she would look into the case. Meanwhile, as I strolled back to class, I wondered what happened to the injured cat and its litter of kittens. As though someone could read my mind, an answer came. “Hey, the cat and its kittens are fine. You did a great job yesterday.” Turning around to see the person who gave me that information, it was Arthur. He saw the event yesterday and immediately brought that family of cats to see the vet after i went off.

From that incident onwards, I found out that female cats are protective of their kittens. However, my impression of cats had been affected because I feared being attacked by cats after experiencing the fierce warning.


felinicious CATS

Cats. A cute and captivating animal that is adored by almost anyone. Who could resist those round, large, innocent eyes, that soft, glossy fur,the soft meow, the soothing and calming effect that comes with a purr, their playful and frisky behaviour, the jumping up and down when trying to catch a dangling piece of string. Yes, cats are simply too lovable. However there are those who walk among us that detest or even hate the adorable and loving creature. One of them is me.

Why I dislike them, even I myself ponder over it. I admit, they are cuddly, and quite lovable, but i just cannot help it. There is just something about those felines that I must loathe. However, what? The round, large eyes? The calming purr? The playfulness? I doubt it is any of them. Day after day, I shudder whenever I see a cat, as if I am trying to shake of an irksome fly, the reason unbeknowst to me.

Despite all that I have stated, my family owns a cat, a cuddlesome tabby, which I know is hard to believe. We got it recently, when my younger sister begged my parents to get her one. They were reluctant at first, but eventually gave in to my sister's constant pleading. The day the cat was bought, my major disapproval was unheard by anyone as everyone had eyes for but the cat. All day I kept groaning, complaning and clicking my tounge impatientlybut the only atention I got was when my mum told me to 'shut up'.

Over time, I learnt to tolerate the cat. It is extremely irritating, always rubbing its head agaist my leg, showing signs of affection. Soon, my dislike for cats began to wane. Now, I neither like nor dislike them. You could say that my feelings towards cats are neutral.


Friday, September 21, 2007


"Dear citizens of Greenhill,there have been police reports stating that some citizens have been losing their cats and some of them have been spotting thier cat's bodies somewhere near their houses.The police suspect that the series of killings have been done by a middle-aged man, reports of his whereabouts are not known.Thus,we hope that you would take good care of your cats and not let them roam about,for fear of becoming the cat-killer prey."The crackled sound of the radio ended as I turned it off.

I looked down at my little kitten as it purred and rubbed its head against my leg before look up at me with those innocent eyes."Are you worrying about the little thing becoming the prey of the cat-killer?"My younger sister,Jenny, asked my with a grin on her face as if mocking me.

I opened my mouth to argue back but before I could do that,our kitten,Ginger,rushed out of the house.I saw a shadow flashed past,I rushed out of the house with Jenny following behind asking what had happen.Ginger ran past a wall, we caught up with her.As we hid behind the wall,we saw a middle-aged man holding a plate containing some can food for cats.Jenny gasped out loud as it told her to keep quiet and go into the house to call the police.

Just as Jenny went into the house,Ginger went up to the men and start eating the cat food.Soon,I saw that she as though drunk,walk around in circles.The man started picking her up,I paniced and jumped out from behind the wall and shouted loudly at the man.He turned around and his eyes flashed an angry look at me. He slowly walked towards me his angry expression leave me stunned.He approached me slowly just as he was three feet away from me,with his hand raised,the siren from the police car as though my guardian angel became louder and louder.The man upon hearing it,tried to run but it was too late.

What happened after that come and go as though like a gust of wind.The man was handcuffed and taken back to the police station in the police car.I heaved a sigh of relieve as Jenny and walked into the house with Ginger in my arms,sleeping.

[Zhenyan 2F]

Thursday, September 20, 2007


"Cats! When will the cats stop yowling?" I cried out in frustration trying to concentrate on my homework.

"It is not as if the cats are crawling all over your homework." My brother chuckled.

"Look! I found this pair of cats abandoned in a box downstairs. Mummy said that we could keep it!" My sister squealed breathlessly. My brother muffled a laugh as I stared angrily at the little horrors. Ignoring my protests, she dumped the cats onto my lap, grinning widely. I looked at the miserable creatures crawling on my lap. As if noticing my glare, the cats looked up with wide-eyed innocence.

After that day, the cats stuck close to me like a magnet while I tried to push the irritating cats away from me. Every time I would smack the cats and it would roll about mewing happily, not knowing that it was being punished for annoying me.

One day as usual, the cats trotted after me and followed me down the pavement. I was in a bad mood and did not want to entertain the cats, so, as soon as I reached the road, I dashed across. The cats surprised at my sudden gain of speed was late by a few seconds, but that few seconds was enough for a car to come speeding down the road. I watched in horror as the cats' body went flying down the path. I rushed to the cats immediately while the driver got out of the car. Tears were flowing down my face and I apologized profusely to the bloody cats. The cats blinked slowly and linked my tear stained-face and their bodies went limp. They are dead.

"No!" I screamed. "No!" I kept repeating, sobbing and screaming until my throat was sore. My blouse stained with the cats' blood. After I calmed down a bit I called my family and was immediately brought home. From then onwards, I stayed away from cats.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Speech correction

Ladies and gentlemen- and Miss Fazlin.
A good afternoon to all those present. Allow me to cut to the chase.
Reports of any and every star doing anything and everything are plastered all over the media. Whether good or bad, they do influence us, especially the youth of today. I stand here today to discuss with you an issue that has troubled me greatly. It is the fact that more and more of our impressionable youth are being swayed towards ruin by their ‘Role Models’-Celebrities…

Celebrities cause a negative impact on our young generation. Just a few months ago, a famous celebrity starlet got into trouble for drink driving and almost killing an innocent pedestrian. She was sentenced to a mere two weeks in prison, a woefully short period of time. However, after serving a measly short period of two days in jail, she was released and immediately returned to her previous party girl life. She and countless other celebrities are people are polluting the minds of the innocent young these days.

Celebrities do not consider the fact that even though they are well-known, they would be arrested when they break the law. It is well known that most, if not all celebrities are party animals, fettering their obscene amount of money away on parties and alcohol. Their attitudes to the ordinary man on the street are horrible, as they feel that, being famous; they have the right to do anything they want, even if it was against the law, as well as wanting every single person to worship them like gods. Said another celebrity when she took a man’s car to chase after her ex-personal secretary” I’m a celebrity, I can’t get arrested.” Even though she is a celebrity, she have no right to take people property as hers and also there is no law stating that celebrities would not be arrested if they do something wrong.

Thus, this is why I feel that celebrities are not good role models for the world youth of today. And strict censures should be put on media containing questionable material and characters to protect the minds of today’s youth form being led astray from their bad influences.
Once again, thank you for coming.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Role models- drunk celebrities, hardly a good impression at all. Yes, celebrities are cool, they receive all the attention and are usually stunningly pretty or handsome. They have everything you want, they are celebrities not normal commoners. Commoners who are happy with just a autograph from your idol. Celabrities such as Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan had experienced jail life before. I agree that they lead glamorous life but these behavior, attitude, and their "ability" to spend money like flowing water. I believe that no one would want their family member to behave like them - getting caught umpteen times for drink driving, abusive reactions to people you do not like or spending all your money? Thus, I believe that celebrities are not good role models and they should not be seen as one.With that I shall end my speech.Thank You.